Sell My Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
At Solomon Brothers Jewelers, we’re experts when it comes to refreshing your jewelry collection. If you’re feeling cluttered with diamonds, gold jewelry or coins, or watches that aren’t your style anymore, you’ve come to the right place.

Why Sell Your Diamond to Solomon Brothers?
The Process
Follow these simple steps for a stress-free experience selling your diamond ring.
Schedule a private appointment with Solomon Brothers by giving us a call at (404) 266-0266 or filling out an appointment form.
Gather any paperwork or certificates you have and be sure to bring them to your appointment for a smoother process.
Come on over and meet with our expert buyers, who will give you an overview of what to expect, evaluate your piece, and make an offer.
Finally, we’ll work with you to find a satisfactory price for both parties, we’ll complete the transaction in the moment, and you’ll walk away with your payment.

Tips from Solomon Brothers
Here are our best practices for getting the most out of selling your diamond ring.
Get an Appraisal
If you want to be sure you’re getting the best outcome from selling your diamond ring or other jewel, you can trust Solomon Brothers. Our diamond and jewelry appraisals will help guarantee you’re getting a fair price for your precious pieces. Our certified gemologists’ process is comprehensive, convenient, and inexpensive. They’ll carefully inspect your item, taking into account quality, craftsmanship, market trends, and more to promptly provide an estimate.
Upgrade or Update Your Jewelry
Sometimes selling your diamond ring isn’t the best option. Important pieces like your engagement ring or family heirlooms are hard to replace. If you love your jewelry but are just in need of a little something extra, an upgrade may be the right choice for you. Our diamond upgrade program is hassle-free and dedicated to helping you keep your important pieces and memories while enhancing their beauty. Just bring back your original diamond, and we’ll give you credit towards a new one.
Your new diamond must meet certain criteria, such as greater carat weight, color, or clarity—whatever you choose, we’d love to help you cherish your memories and reflect your growing love through your new gem. Similarly, if you have a piece with high sentimental value that’s a little worse for the wear, our talented jewelers can help you give it new life by recreating it into a custom jewelry piece you’ll treasure for years to come.