Before purchasing a diamond, it is highly recommended that you request to see its certificate, which is proof that it been inspected by a professional. Also referred to as a grading report, diamond dossier, or diamond quality document, a diamond certificate includes an unbiased analysis of the diamond's unique 4C characteristics and a diagram mapping all of its inclusions. Since no two diamonds are alike, this certification acts as an identity card for your diamond. It can be very helpful if you ever need to identify your diamond (ie: if the ring gets lost or stolen, or if you want to confirm you get the right diamond back after submitting it for repair).
Did You Know?
One of the largest and most respected grading labs is the Geological Institute of America (GIA).It's not uncommon, depending on which EGL lab report to see a difference of one and four color grades and one to two clarity grades when compared to the GIA report..

Every Diamond Certified
Every loose diamond sold by Solomon Brothers has been graded and/or certified by a graduate geologist or professional grade laboratory. At Solomon Brothers, we also provide certified appraisals.